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Cut & Paste Background fading using multiple colors
Credit: Not indicated in script

Description: The below script will creating a fading effect of the background using multiple colors.

Example: You just show it!

Directions: Simply cut and paste this script into the <head> tags of your page.

function initArray() {
this.length = initArray.arguments.length
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
this[i+1] = initArray.arguments[i]
var hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
function Dec2Hex (Dec) {
var a = Dec % 16;
var b = (Dec - a)/16;
hex = "" + hexChars.charAt(b) + hexChars.charAt(a);
return hex;
function bgChanger (begin, end, steps) {
steps = steps -1 ;
redA = begin.charAt(0) + begin.charAt(1);
red_valA = parseInt(redA,'16');
redB = end.charAt(0) + end.charAt(1);
red_valB = parseInt(redB,'16');
red_int = ((red_valB - red_valA) / steps) * -1;
grnA = begin.charAt(2) + begin.charAt(3);
grn_valA = parseInt(grnA,'16');
grnB = end.charAt(2) + end.charAt(3);
grn_valB = parseInt(grnB,'16');
grn_int = ((grn_valB - grn_valA) / steps) * -1;
bluA = begin.charAt(4) + begin.charAt(5);
blu_valA = parseInt(bluA,'16');
bluB = end.charAt(4) + end.charAt(5);
blu_valB = parseInt(bluB,'16');
blu_int = ((blu_valB - blu_valA) / steps) * -1;
step = 2;
red = red_valA;
grn = grn_valA;
blu = blu_valA;
document.bgColor = begin;
while ( steps >= step ) {
red -= red_int;
red_round = Math.round(red);
red_hex = Dec2Hex(red);
grn -= grn_int;
grn_round = Math.round(grn);
grn_hex = Dec2Hex(grn);
blu -= blu_int;
blu_round = Math.round(blu);
blu_hex = Dec2Hex(blu);
document.bgColor = red_hex + grn_hex + blu_hex;
document.bgColor = end;
// -->

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