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JavaScript Q&A Master List

The JavaScript Q&A Master list is your ultimate JavaScripting cheat sheet. Quickly look up questions on any area of JavaScript, and the corresponding answer awaits you with a single click. We've even extended this list to cover Q&As provided by oher JavaScript sites on the net (scroll to bottom of page). Enjoy!

36.gif (155 bytes) General scripting in JavaScript

-FAQs on JavaScript
-How do I write a basic JavaScript?
-How do I add more than one script to a page without things "screwing up"?
-How do I create functions in JavaScript?
-What are objects in JavaScript?
-How do I use the "document" object of JavaScript?
-How can I repeatedly execute a code in JavaScript?
-How can I persist values of variables from one page to another
-How do I use a "for" loop in JavaScript?
-How do I create robust functions that can accept any number of parameters?
-How do I overcome the document.write() bug that surfaces in NS 3?
-How do I create external JavaScript libraries?

36.gif (155 bytes) Math

-How do I round numbers to, say, two decimal places?
-I want to generate a random number

36.gif (155 bytes) Displaying the time using JavaScript

-What is the Date object, and how can I use it to create time-related scripts?
-How do I create a live clock in JavaScript?
-How do I write out the current date and time using JavaScript?

36.gif (155 bytes) Manipulating images using JavaScript

-How to I access images using JavaScript?
-How do I preloading images using JavaScript?
-How do I PAINLESSLY preload images using JavaScript?
How do I display a different image, depending on the time of the day?
-How do I create "rollover" image effects in JavaScript?

-How do I create an image slideshow using JavaScript?

36.gif (155 bytes) Creating using JavaScript

-How do I access the <select> tag of HTML using JavaScript?
-How do I create a "combo link box" using JavaScript?
-How do I create a combo box that loads the target URL in another frame?
-How do I use an image instead of a form button as the "go" button in a combo box?
-How do I create a "jumpy" combo box?

36.gif (155 bytes) Forms

-How do I access forms using JavaScript?
-How do I validating forms using JavaScript?
-How do I manipulate radio and check boxes in JavaScript?
-How do I dynamically disable/ enable form elements using JavaScript?

36.gif (155 bytes) Windows and frames

-How do I open a new browser window using JavaScript?
-How do I hide/show toolbars, menu bars, status bus etc of a window etc upon opening it?
-How do I reload, close, or load new content into a window using JavaScript?
-How do I determine whether a browser window is closed or not using JavaScript?
-How do I access objects of a window via another?
-How do I to access objects in one frame from another?
-How do I load multiple frames with one link using JavaScript?
-How do I create window remotes using the window.opener property (default)?
-How do I create window remotes using a user defined property?
-How do I programmatically scroll a window?
-How do I programmically resize a window?
-How do I programmically move a window?

36.gif (155 bytes) Arrays

-How do I create arrays?
-How do I create two dimensional arrays in JavaScript?
-How do I create dense arrays?
-How do I sort an array into alphabetical order?
-How do I sort an array into numerical order?

36.gif (155 bytes) Events and event handlers

-What are event handlers in JavaScript?
-How do I use the onClick event handler?
-How do I use the onLoad event handler?
-How do I use the onMouseover, onMouseout event handler?
-How do I use the onUnload event handler?

36.gif (155 bytes) "Randomness" in JavaScript

-How do I create a random link out of a specified group of links?
-How do I create a random link out of all of the links in a document?
-How do I create a "dice" in JavaScript?

36.gif (155 bytes) Shortcuts in JavaScript

-How do I declare multiple variables at once in Javascript?
-What shortcuts can I use when performing arithmetic in JavaScript?
-What is the "with" statement, and how can it help shorten my scripts?
-What is the "?" conditional expression statement, and how can it help shorten my conditional codes?
-What is the "switch" statement, and how can it help shorten my conditional codes?

36.gif (155 bytes) HTML, links, and JavaScript

-How do I use JavaScript to dynamically write out HTML codes I?
-How do I use JavaScript to dynamically write out HTML codes II?
-What's a "JavaScript" link?
-What's a "view-source" link?
-What's a "about" link?

36.gif (155 bytes) JavaScript and browser type

-What is object detection?
-How do I use object detection to sniff out what browser my surfers are using?
-What is the language attribute of JavaScript?
-What other scripting languages are there on the web besides JavaScript?

36.gif (155 bytes) JavaScript errr-rors!

-How do I suppress all potential JavaScript errors from popping up on my page?
-How do I create custom JavaScript error dialog boxes?

36.gif (155 bytes) JavaScript user-interaction commands

-How can I instantly create alert, confirm and prompt boxes in JavaScript?
-How can I create a confirm box that goes to one place if I press "cancel", and another if I press "ok"?

36.gif (155 bytes) Miscellaneous JavaScript Topics

-How can I determine the existence of a variable in JavaScript?

36.gif (155 bytes) JavaScript from around the WWW

-Where can I find a complete, online JavaScript reference?
-Where can I see examples of JavaScript and DHTML at work?
-What should I be aware of when scripting for Y2K?
-How do I embed and manipulate sound using JavaScript?
-How do I take advantage of regular expressions in JavaScript 1.2?
-What is recursive JavaScript?
-How do I display a message in the status bar of the browser?
-How do I extend JavaScript with function pointers?
-What is server-side JavaScript?
-How do I use JavaScript to communicate with my Java applets and plugins?
-What are bitwise operators in JavaScript?
-Where can I find a JavaScript debugger?
-JavaScript and your security
-Where can I find a guide outlining all the new features of JavaScript 1.3?
-Where can I find information on JavaScript 1.5?
-What is the "JavaScript console" of JavaScript 1.3?

More Stuff

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