
Blocking users by IP

Is there a pesky person perpetrating pain upon you? Stalking your site from the vastness of the electron void? Blockem! In your htaccess file, add the following code--changing the IPs to suit your needs--each command on one line each:

order allow,deny
deny from
deny from 012.34.5.
allow from all

You can deny access based upon IP address or an IP block. The above blocks access to the site from, and from any sub domain under the IP block 012.34.5. (,,, etc.) I have yet to find a useful application of this, maybe if there is a site scraping your content you can block them, who knows.

You can also set an option for deny from all, which would of course deny everyone. You can also allow or deny by domain name rather than IP address (allow from works for or, etc.)