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DOM Window Object properties

Last updated: Februrary 27th, 2006

Window object methods

Methods Description
innerWidth, innerHeight Read/write property that specifies the width and height, in pixels, of the window's content area respectively. Does not include the toolbar, scrollbars etc. NS/Firefox exclusive properties.

Note: IE equivalents are "document.body.clientWidth" and "document.body.clientHeight"

length Returns the number of frames contained in the window.
outerWidth, outerHeight Read/write property that specifies the total width and height, in pixels, of the window's content area respectively, including any toolbar, scrollbars etc. NS/Firefox exclusive properties with no IE4+ equivalent.
pageXOffset, pageYOffset Returns an integer representing the pixels the current document has been scrolled from the upper left corner of the window, horizontally and vertically, respectively. Typically used to provide the needed calculations to keep an element in view even when the page is scrolled. NS/Firefox exclusive properties.

Note: IE equivalents are "document.body.scrollLeft" and "document.body.scrollTop"

window.screen References the screen object, which provides information about the user's screen/ monitor.
screen.availWidth Returns the height of the screen, in pixels, minus interface features such as the taskbar in Windows. In other words, the usable height available to your browser window.
screen.availHeight Returns the width of the screen, in pixels, minus interface features such as the taskbar in Windows. In other words, the usable width available to your browser window.
screen.colorDepth The bit depth of the color palette available for displaying images in bits per pixel.
screen.height The total height of the screen, in pixels.
screen.pixelDepth Display screen color resolution (bits per pixel). NS/Firefox exclusive property.
screen.width The total width of the screen, in pixels.
screenX, screenY Read/write property that specifies the x and y coordinates of the window relative to the user's monitor screen. NS/Firefox exclusive properties.
screenLeft, screenTop Specifies the x and y coordinates of the window relative to the user's monitor screen. IE only.
scrollX, scrollY Returns an integer representing the pixels the current document has been scrolled from the upper left corner of the window, horizontally and vertically, respectively. NS/Firefox exclusive properties. Equivalent to pageXOffset and pageYOffset, and in IE, "document.body.scrollLeft" and "document.body.scrollTop"

Note: See also JavaScript window object.

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